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Revd Sara's Reflections - w/c 5th March 2023

Revd Sara’s Reflection The Second Sunday of Lent

John 3.1-17 Nicodemus Faith and Trust

The season of Lent is always challenging. We are invited to take time and reflect on our lives and see how we can play a part in making a better world for all. The story of Nicodemus in the Gospel of John is a warning that faith is not about having all the answers but being able to live in the tension, having an open mind and watching for signs.

The dialogue follows a common pattern: a person asks a question, Jesus gives a puzzling answer, the person misunderstands, Jesus gives an even more puzzling answer, then slowly a discourse follows.

The fact that there was no instant understanding did not deter Nicodemus. This rich and powerful individual would be found after the crucifixion bringing expensive ointments to anoint Jesus’ body.

‘Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe’ - St. Augustine

Nicodemus did not understand immediately, but he was willing to watch and wait, listen and learn. Being able to live in the tension of everyday life, without all the answers, is something special. In our search for certainties in life, we sometimes need to let go of our natural desire to find answers, trust that with God all things are possible, always looking for those small signs that He is at work in the world.

Prayerfully reflect on your Lenten journey … are you ok with the unknowing ? What would you say to Nicodemus about your journey of faith?

love and prayers Revd Sara

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