2021 will be a special year of Remembrance Services as we are able to gather again in larger numbers. It is also the 100 year Centenary of the Royal British Legion. We are encouraged to learn the lessons of the past and the sacrifices of all those who have gone before.
What does Remembrance mean to you, your family and those you love?
I think of the distinguished RAF service of my Grandfather, Mum’s Dad, who was killed when Mum was five. It has taken many years to have his name placed on a Cenotaph and he is now remembered in Minshull Vernon, near to where his plane came down in the Second World War. Walking alongside my brother Martin during a Remembrance Parade in Stamford and realising he never spoke about his experiences as a Harrier pilot, his medals visually reflecting his service.
Remembrance Sunday is a poignant reminder to reflect on the bravery and sacrifice of all those who served. The tenacity and comradery of previous generations in their struggles should serve as an inspiration to us all as we deal with the new challenges of the pandemic. It is also a time to reflect on the great debt we owe to our veterans to keep their memories alive. We need to encourage our younger generations to take up the mantle and ensure memories and stories live on.
Please take part in an Act of Remembrance
With love and prayers Revd Sara
