Towcester Methodist has had a really good year to 31st August 2022.
Although there may be some small costs still to come in, we are going to end the year with a surplus of over £2,300 for the year.
Our congregation have continued to give so generously, we have had fee income (weddings and funerals) for the first time since 2019, and we adapted our fundraising to include online (easyfundraising and eBay) as well as great income from our Summer and Winter Fayres - and of course the amazing monthly 'Mike's stall'. Our income was over £13,000 for the year and we were able to pay our parish share in full, as well as all our other overheads.
Quite an achievement, when just two years ago we had only £2,000 in the bank, we now have over £8,000 and it has been great to see our reserves increasing. We have work still to do, but should feel very positive.
And like other churches, it is great to see the interest rate at the CFB Deposit account reach an amount which has not been seen for over 13 years! When we used to receive pennies in interest, it is now pounds.
Thank you to our members, all our congregation and everyone who has supported us in our fundraising, and those who have kept our spirits up over the last two and a half years, not forgetting all our preachers and lay people.
God has really been amongst us!
Lisa Wenmouth, Treasurer, Towcester Methodist Church
