Revd Sara’s Reflection Palm Sunday
Bible Reading: Mark 14:1-15:47
Today we reflect on the cost of discipleship – does that cost put you off, or is it something you can embrace? As you journey through the intense narrative of Mark 14:1-15:47 you may have recognised the way that this passage encapsulates the profound sacrifice and radical love of our Lord Jesus Christ. In these verses, we witness the culmination of Jesus' earthly ministry: his betrayal, trial, crucifixion, and ultimately, his resurrection.
The Cost of Authenticity:
Jesus' unyielding authenticity in the face of opposition serves as a poignant reminder of the cost of discipleship. As followers of Christ, we are called to embody authenticity, even when it leads to discomfort or persecution. One of the challenges of our discipleship is to wrestle with what this looks like for each of us, in our own lives and communities. How am I authentically me? How does that authenticity reflect the very best version of myself?
The Cost of Love:
Jesus' radical love knows no bounds. He willingly endures betrayal, abandonment, and crucifixion out of love for humanity. As Christians, we are called to embody this radical love —love that transcends boundaries, embraces diversity, and seeks justice for all. How does Jesus' love compel us to love others sacrificially, even when it's difficult? Where do you notice love at work this week? Can you be attentive, and join in?
The Cost of Justice:
Jesus' ministry was marked by a commitment to justice and liberation for the oppressed. His confrontation with religious and political authorities highlights the tension between the kingdom of God and the powers of this world. As followers of Christ, we are called to work towards justice and liberation for all marginalised and oppressed communities.
That is about our own families and local neighbourhoods, but it’s also about politics, charity, how we shop, how we bank, what kind of car we drive (or whether we drive one at all). Spend some time today thinking about the injustice that makes you angry, and how you can respond.
As you reflect on the narrative of Jesus' passion and resurrection, may you be challenged and inspired to embrace the cost of discipleship. May you embody authenticity, radical love and justice in your life and in the places where you are known. May you be empowered by the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice, and may your life be a testament to the radical love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
love and prayers Revd Sara
