Revd Sara’s Reflection Sunday 18/8/24
In John 6:51-58, Jesus makes a profound statement: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever."He goes on to explain that the bread he offers is a part of who he is, his life, shared with the whole world in this earthly ministry. This famous quote causes a great deal of confusion and even offence among the original listeners.
For us, today, this passage provides a deep well of inspiration and challenge for our journey of discipleship. Firstly, Jesus identifies himself as the living bread, a source of sustenance and life. This metaphor invites us to reflect on what truly nourishes us in our spiritual and daily lives. Are we seeking out sources that truly feed our souls, or are we filling up on things that leave us spiritually malnourished?
You could challenge yourself this week to identify and embrace practices, relationships, and activities that nourish your spirit and draw you closer to the divine presence in your daily life.
Jesus’ teaching about eating his flesh and drinking his blood can be startling, yet it points us toward an embodied faith – a faith that goes beyond intellectual assent to a deeply personal and transformative experience. It is more like eating a meal than remembering a recipe. It is real, it is here. God is amongst us.
This radical invitation is a reminder that our faith must permeate every aspect of our lives, becoming a part of who we are and how we act in the world. This week, you might like to reflect on how your faith is lived out in tangible ways. How can you more fully integrate your beliefs into your daily actions, ensuring that your discipleship is both profound and practical?
The imagery of eating and drinking also calls us to think about communion and community. The act of sharing a meal is inherently communal, breaking down barriers and fostering connection. In your journey of discipleship, how do you engage with your community? How do you create spaces of radical hospitality where everyone is welcomed and nourished?
Challenge yourself to build or strengthen connections within your community, fostering an environment where each person can experience the sustaining love of Christ.
As you meditate on these themes from John’s gospel, let them challenge and inspire you to deepen your discipleship. May you seek nourishment that sustains, live out an embodied faith, foster inclusive community, and practice sacrificial love, knowing that through these actions, you are participating in the divine life that Jesus offers to the world.
love and prayers Revd Sara
