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Revd Sara's Reflections - w/c 16th June 2024

Lisa Wenmouth

Readings: Mark 4:26-34 – Revd Sara’s Reflection

Reflections on the reading  

The Methodist President and vice President of Conference (2023-2024) this year have a  theme of ‘Hidden Treasure’ Inspired, by Isaiah 45:3:  

“I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places, so that you  may know that it is I the Lord, the God of Israel, who call you by your name.”  

President Revd Gill Newton said this: “But note the treasures are stored in darkness, and  the riches are hidden in secret places – that must mean these treasures are all around us!  God isn’t trying to hide treasures from us, instead God is hiding them for us!”  

So what hidden treasure do we find here in these parables?  

In the Parable of the Growing Seed, Jesus describes the kingdom of God as a seed planted  in the ground. Despite its hidden growth, the seed transforms into a mature plant, yielding a  bountiful harvest. Our acts of love, kindness, and sharing the good news of the gospel all  plant seeds that might take some time to show signs of growth. However, do not estimate  the power your selfless acts of love have on those around you, whether it be for a moment,  a season or a lifetime.  

What does this parable teach us about the nature of God's kingdom and its growth  process?  

The Parable of the Mustard Seed: Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a mustard seed,  the smallest of all seeds. Despite its small size, the mustard seed grows into a large tree,  providing bird shelter.  

What significance does the mustard seed's transformation hold for our understanding of  God's kingdom and our role within it?  

How can we actively seek to understand the mysteries of God's kingdom in our lives today?  

As we reflect on Jesus' parables, let us be encouraged by the profound truths they reveal  about the kingdom of God. Despite its humble beginnings and mysterious growth, God's  kingdom is powerful and transformative. May we cultivate faith, trust in God's timing,  embrace humility, and seek understanding as we participate in God’s love story for all the  world.  

Responding in prayer 

Creator God,  I long for the day when all nations will bow before you and every family will find sustenance  and satisfaction. Today, I pray for leaders worldwide burdened with caring for their people;  grant them wisdom and boldness to pursue justice and peace. In particular, Lord, hear my  prayer for places ravaged by violence, war, and terrorism.  

Be still and pray about the stories you’ve read in the news, the stories that need the light of  God’s love shining into them.

Lord, in your mercy: hear my prayer.

Loving God, I bring before you the struggles of our loved ones, the challenges faced by those in difficult  circumstances, the suffering of the sick and lonely. May they find comfort in your boundless  mercy, knowing you are ever-present in their trials.

Be still and pray about the people in your life, family and community pray that God’s love  shines through each of those situations.

Lord, in your mercy: hear my prayer. Amen.

love and prayers Revd Sara

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