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Revd Sara's Reflections - w/c 26th February 2023

Lisa Wenmouth

Revd Sara’s Reflection for the First Sunday in Lent Sunday 26th February 2023

1 Timothy 6.6-19

‘…… pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love endurance, gentleness’ (v11)

Lent is a snowfall in the soul. Just as snow helps us see our landscape in a different light, making us renavigate our environment and wonder at the sight of our own breath, so Lent invites us to distil, reimagine and remember the fragile miracle of our own self.

We are reminded that we brought nothing into the world and will take nothing out. As we placed ash on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday, the cross is placed on our heads that house our brains, the centre of our will, power and decision-making. Along with Timothy, we are encouraged to pursue love, gentleness and what is right. This letter, like Lent asks us to stop being indifferent, cautious and compromised. The letter speaks of the ‘life that really is life’, a life that is activated and sustained by the love of God and our neighbour.

Time presses upon us and tells us we are too busy to be reflective, our souls know better. Souls die from lack of reflection and prayer. Responsibilities distract us and tell us we are too involved with the ‘real’ world to be concerned about spiritual questions. It is always spiritual questions that make the difference in the way we go about our public and day-to-day lives.

Please join us for the Holy Habits Lent Course 1030 to 1130 at Eagle’s Rising, 11 Wodhams Drive, if you would like a drink of tea or coffee please arrive by 1015.

On Mondays 27/2; 6/3; 13/3; 20/3; 27/3

Repeated on Tuesday evenings at Silverstone Chapel 630pm 28/2; 7/3; 14/3; 21/3; 28/3

Thank you love and prayers Revd Sara

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