Revd Sara’s Reflection Sunday 26th January 2024
Bible Reading: Luke 4:14-21
Responding to the reading
“Faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”
Therein lies our challenge and our invitation – step out into a world and be people of love. Amongst so much despair and hatred, love is shining all around us and inviting us to see the world differently.
Some of you may well have used ‘Emojis’ on your phone. If not, let’s just summarise by saying these are simple ways that people use to communicate emotions in texts or emails by sending a small cartoon face that appears to represent a particular emotion (for example, very happy, angry, confused or excited).
One of the emojis that is used quite often (especially in response to cute pictures of dogs, cats or babies) simply shows the person with two hearts instead of eyes. I suppose it is trying to communicate that the person loves what they see, that they think it beautiful and love-filled. Today, that’s what I think Jesus in Luke’s Gospel is calling us to become – a people with love-shaped eyes, and hearts, heads, hands, mouths, feet and lives.
In this passage, Jesus attempts to lay out his ambitions for his ministry, and they try to kill him. Specifically, it seems, because in bringing the ancient words of Isaiah to life, Jesus makes it clear that it is never a comfortable position to be at the centre of an institution, or to assume that you are part of the ‘in’ crowd. Jesus is reminding his listeners that the project of Israel does not exist just to benefit itself or the Israelites, but as a ‘light to the nations’, as a way of bringing peace and hope to all people. Of showing people how to love.
Can we do the same? Do we, sometimes, fall into the trap of being a church that looks after ourselves, that only exists for the people who are already here? Or are we trying to be a light to our communities, our country, and the nations beyond?
So, when you go out into the world, this week, in the coming weeks and months,
A prayer response
God of all grace,
I am thankful for the example of Jesus who showed each of us how we should all live in this world. Thank you that when I feel overwhelmed by all that life brings to each of us, you invite us to rest in you. I give thanks to you for your compassion and love to all who feel like sheep without a shepherd, and for whom the brunt of life’s disappointments weighs heavy.
Help me too, so that I can offer compassion to others, as well as receive the same when offered. Bring healing and wholeness to me, and all around me, so that I may experience life in all its fullness.
Loving God, help me to know that I am loved, just as I am, by your grace and through your Spirit, no matter what choices we have made or mistakes we live with.
May I come to know more of your presence, here with me today, O God, Amen.
love and prayers Revd Sara
