Revd Sara’s Reflection Sunday 1st October 2023 The Lord’s Prayer
This is a prayer reflection based around the words of the Our Father prayer. This a great chance for you to take in these words that we are so used to saying and think more deeply about them.
Beginning the activity – find a prayer partner or use with your prayer triplet, a group of three.
Leader 1 – Our Father –prayer partner repeats “Our Father”
Leader 2 – God is our father
Leader 2 – We are part of his family
Leader 1 – Who art in heaven – prayer partner repeats “who art in heaven”
Leader 2 – Heaven is our home
Leader 2 – The Father intercedes for us here
Continue in this manner all the way through
Hallowed be thy name
The Father is holy and He is perfect
We wish to be holy too, just like The Father
Thy kingdom come
We wait for The Fathers kingdom
We wait in hope for when he comes again
The fathers kingdom is of peace, and true happiness
Thy will be done
Whose will are we seeking?
We do not follow our own will but the will of The Father
The Father wills us to be with him in paradise
On earth as it is in heaven
Our lives on earth are a taste of what awaits us in our heavenly home
Give us this day our daily bread
He gives us our daily portion. Just what we need.
We ask of him like a child asks his father
We hunger for God
Forgive us our trespasses
The father is always willing to forgive
We realise that we are in need of forgiveness
The father will run to us
As we forgive those who trespass against us
The Father has forgiven us, so we too must forgive each other
The Father is full of mercy, so we too must show mercy
When we forgive someone we show the love of The Father to that person.
Lead us not into temptation
The Father leads us in the right direction
He leads us away from the things that will not make us happy
Deliver us from evil
Father, deliver us form all evil, and lead us to our true home
You might like to finish off with your own thanksgiving prayer, thanking Jesus for teaching us this prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to continue to inspire our hearts to help us call God our father
love and prayers Revd Sara