Over these past months we have journeyed through the prayers and self-denial of Lent, into the intensity of Jesus’ suffering and witness during Holy Week and Good Friday, and finally into that great Resurrection Hope of Easter Sunday itself. That pattern of death and resurrection is one that has echoes in many other aspects of life.
It is perhaps particularly easy to see signs of hope and new life during spring as plants blossom and flowers bloom, as birds start nesting and fledgling appear. With the easing of regulation to do with ‘Lock-Down’ due to the Covid-19 pandemic it is so good to be able to open our church building again or to have a planned date to do so.
There have been aspects to worshipping in a different way especially via the weekly pre-recorded circuit services and those we’ve been able to share by watching our televisions. But it is not an ideal situation, presenting various logistical problems and there is the potential for some (or all!) of us to be getting a somewhat fed up and impatient feeling.
With that all that in mind I have had Paul’s words to the Ephesians 4:1-3 running around my head these last few days, particular the line about bearing with one another in love: “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
And so, I want to encourage you all to continue to bear with one another in love during the coming weeks and months, as together we continue to pray for and work towards this exciting next stage in the ministry of our church wherever the the Spirit may lead us.
As always you are in my prayers. With love and blessings. Rev Pat